In 2017, then-high schoolers Pierre Booth, Elizabeth Cushing, and Ethan Rovno formed a band in their parents garage with their shared influences of Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Psychedelic Rock, and Punk. Years later, their musical chemistry and energetic live performances have only grown and Madison Medira has joined them on guitar. Pierre’s ethereal yet screeching vocals are unforgettable, and the roomy, driving guitar tones cannot be ignored. “Dry Ice”— their newest release— is a fresh revisit to many of their previous recordings that better reflect their sound as they entered adulthood. Their debut album “Technicolor Yawning” is the dynamic culmination of their first ten songs that are each very different, but somehow have a cohesive, dreamy energy. “Hallucinations”, their second release encapsulates their droney, spacey sound while also showcasing their punk influences.